St. Paul VI community prays for Fr. Schultz after chaplain suffers stroke

Fr. Jonathan M. Smith, parochial vicar of Our Lady of Hope in Potomac Falls, celebrated Mass for the St. Paul VI community on October 6 to pray for Fr. Stephen J. Schultz, school chaplain, who had a stroke the weekend of October 1. The PVI Community has come together to offer prayers and devotions through a spiritual bouquet for Fr. Schultz.
Father Stephen J. Schultz, chaplain of St. Paul VI Catholic High School in Chantilly, had a stroke the weekend of October 1 and was admitted to intensive care in a coma. Over the next few days, he was unconscious and mostly unresponsive, intermittently using a ventilator to breathe. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge visited him to pray October 3.

Read more in the Catholic Herald.

Faculty, staff, students, and guests are creating spiritual bouquets for Fr. Stephen Schultz. A spiritual bouquet is a beautiful Catholic tradition in which prayers and devotions are gathered together and presented to our Heavenly Father for a particular intention. By participating, we pray as individuals and as a community. The bouquets are displayed around the school, beginning at Father's office, continuing past the chapel, and all around the school as a prayer chain.

If you would like to join in, please use this attached flower template and send to St. Paul VI Catholic High School, 42341 Braddock Rd., Chantilly, VA 20152.

Imagine if we could fill the school with prayer intentions for Fr. Schultz' miraculous healing!
St. Paul VI Catholic High School is a private Diocesan Catholic preparatory school for girls and boys in grades 9-12 in Chantilly, Virginia, seeking to help our students Grow in Grace and Wisdom. Our school is part of the Diocese of Arlington and offers rigorous academics, an inclusive community focused on spiritual and leadership formation, and a proud athletic tradition featuring nationally renowned programs competing in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference and the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association.

St. Paul VI Catholic High School is an accredited member of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.